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如果他们送我去打仗,我曾想当骑兵 iwanna be inthe cavalry ifthey send me off towar 如果他们送我去打仗,我曾想当骑兵 iwanna good steed under me like my forefathers before 我曾想像我祖先一样骑马飞奔 courageous at first we took their worst,our positions we held stout 起初我们勇敢地坚守阵地,任凭敌人的猛击 we clung tobelief andwe hung on the speech from our trusted leaders'mouths 我们曾对指挥官的激励言语坚信不移 overwhelming odds and a hopeless cause and our cities overrun 但是兵败如山,事业无望,城市接连沦陷 there were them that said we was badly led and called we were outgunned 终于有些人怀疑我们的领导不善,火力又不及 l lost count of the worthy mounts that from under me were cut 已经有数不清的骏马在我身下阵亡了 my favourite mare with her head in the air took the cannons in her gut 我最心爱的座骑也被炮弹击中 in the first two weeks on that bloody creek my brother lost his arm 腥风血雨不出两个星期,我兄弟没了手臂 was only sixty days till all we prayed was get us home unharmed 不出六十天,我们只求能平安回家 oh,for the day that we signed our names and the well that we were wished 噢,我仍记得报名参军的那一天祝福满满 the men'scongrats andthe pats on the backs andthe ladies that we kissed 我们备受夸奖鼓励,女士们都与我们亲吻 the band that played andthe grande parade andthe patriotic shouts 那鼓舞人心的军乐队,大阅兵,与那爱国的口号 all faded fast,didn't even last till the uniforms wore out 还没等我们的制服穿破就消散了 and there were none to replace nor to help us face the winters cold and bleak 无人帮助我们抵御严冬 that chilled to the bone the pneumonia prone and froze our bootless feet 严寒刺骨,肺炎泛滥,那没鞋穿的冻伤的脚 then the typhoid hit with its fevered fits,tb and dysentery 接着,伤寒伴随着发烧,肺结核和痢疾来袭 that proved in the end to have killed more men than the vilest enemy 事实证明,它杀死的人比最邪恶的敌人还多 we were finally forced to feed on horse and carcass we could scrounge 我们最终被迫以马和尸体为食 when the wagons stopped and we'dburnt their crops tocharred andbarren ground 因为补给也断了,而敌人的作物已被烧成焦土 with morale indoubt andour pride run out no honour didisee 士气低落,骄傲耗尽,我实在看不出战争有任何荣耀 alllseen wereathousand dreams piled dead infront of me 我只看到了上千具死去的“梦想”摞在我眼前 iwanna be inthe cavalry ifthey send me off towar 如果他们送我去打仗,我曾想当骑兵 lwanna be inthe cavalry butiwon'tride home no more 我想当骑兵,但我注定一去不还 |